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Lives Bigger Than They Dreamed

Students’ lives are changed every day because of gifts to the Annual Fund. Your heart, your kindness, and your generosity are felt at each of Willamette's four colleges. When we all come together to do our part for students, the possibilities are endless. Learn more about how your gift affects students, and make your gift below.

Waller Hall and the State Capitol building at sunset

You Never Quit

You never abandon your curiosity, your courage, your authentic heart. That makes all the difference to our students.

See Sianna's story

Your Bold Vision

The person you are every day affects the world. You are on the front lines of making education accessible. 

See your impact

The Breakdown

We've got the numbers. Take a closer look at our stats to see how we stack up.

  • of student body is supported with academic scholarships every year.

    alumni including CEOs, senators, authors and artists.

    of costs are covered by donor support.

    Alumni live in 84 countries worldwide

Give Hope

Students are thrilled to learn that members of their community believe in them enough to invest in their success. You cause that thrill. 

Grateful for You

Be Remembered

Making a Planned Gift allows you to leave a legacy and provide a transformative experience for others at Willamette University. 

Leave a legacy

Make Your Gift

Your heart, your kindness, and your generosity are felt each day on campus. When we all come together to do our part for students, we can't be stopped.

  • 1859

    First Graduate

    In a time when women were frequently barred from college, Emily York is Willamette's first graduate.

  • 1976

    Female political pioneer

    Trailblazer Norma Paulus advanced women's rights, education and environmental protection. In 1976, she became Oregon's first female secretary of state.

  • 1997

    Special Teams

    Liz Heaston was the first female to play and score in a college football game. Since 1997, Willamette has had two more female kickers.

  • 1935

    First Black graduate

    George Cannady was a Senior Scholar who was involved in football and track. He later became an attorney in Los Angeles.

  • 2017

    Resilience Baked In

    Carina Corner has grown through her experiences of cancer and navigating a sighted-world as a blind person. She's founded a Scandinavian-inspired, vegan bakery in Beaverton where she employs people with disabilities.

Willamette University
